Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cerralvo jellos


From: Greg Stoney
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 10:45 AM
To: Robert N. Hara; Phil Lindholm
Subject: Cerralvo jellos

What's up guys,

I got to fish a few days down at Las Cruces and the yellows were chewin'! The first day was a little tough but we caught a few, and the next two days were pretty epic, Cedros style with bird schools and packs of yellows chasing bait. They were biting the yo yo and the surface jig and were a really nice grade from 25# to 40#+.

We didn't catch any pargo or grouper, but my brother in law. Chip, had a marlin eat his jig about 30' from the boat and it put on a show for a little while.. There was also a big mako cruising around and it would pick off a fish now and then. It was pretty cool to see some guys who had never fished like this before get dragged around the boat by these fish.


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