Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rogue River Spring Chinook and Steelhead

Yosh Ashikaga on the Rogue

From: yosh ashikaga
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Subject: Rogue River Spring Chinook and Steelhead

Bob -

We were out on the Rogue River on 04 March with our neighbor guide Rick Howard and his nephew Travis to see if there were more than the one Chinook that Rick had found a couple of days earlier. That fish was a very early spring run Chinook for the Rogue.

After another O-Dark-Thirty start to get on the river and to "the spot", we anchored up and backtrolled plugs and bait. It took a little while until Janet hooked and landed a nice wild steelhead. A little later Travis got into a NICE wild springer which took him a while to land as it got out into the current and took a bunch line in the process. After a bit of a wait, I was onto a wild springer as well and got it into the net.

Unfortunately, for Travis and myself, you can not keep wild spring kings, so, they had to be released. They are beautiful fish as you can see in the photos. And, the best eating of all salmon because of their higher fat content. You can keep hatchery fish which have the adipose fin clipped.

We will be trying again soon as the run picks up into March and April.

Yosh and Janet

Bob Hara
Bob's Sporting Goods Blog Dude
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