Monday, May 31, 2010

Limits of seabass at catalina 5-29-2010 - Options

Limits of seabass at catalina 5-29-2010 - Options

From: Stew Suenaga
Date: Sat, May 29, 2010 at 2:21 PM
Subject: Limits of seabass at catalina 5-29-2010
To: bob hara

Bob, Fished with Tino again on the Options. Got the job done at midnight!!! LIMITS!!!! 9 seabass for passengers and crew. Started fishing at 11:00pm, Wes and I were the only ones at the rail when the carnage started. Wes hooks and lands a nice grade fish then I land my cbass. We woke everyone up and by midnight we were done!!!! Great job by the crew and passengers.

Stewart and his Bisquit

A Very Nice Report Stewart. Hoping to find the same grade of fish for the Tuna Club Tournament this coming weekend.


From: Greg Stoney []
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 4:05 PM
To: Robert N. Hara; todd hara; Phil Lindholm; Mark Yamada; March, Tim; matt sautter; Todd Garrett;; Jon Simon
Subject: Panama pics

What's up guys,

Christy found some people to feed our kids for a week and she wanted to go to Panama, and I managed to persuade her to go for the hut on a swampy island over the foo foo coffee plantation. Fortunately the swampy island had a boat so we could mess with some fish.

Poppers and 6X jigs were all you needed for tuna, cubera pargo, huge mullet pargo, lots of tuna and a whole bunch of beasts that straightened hooks, crushed poppers, broke really heavy line a and totally grenaded a trinidad. Some pics...

Exotic Stoney. Way to destroy the Shimano reel

Birthday Bassin - Tim March

Tim March - Happy Birthday!!!

A late Report, but better late than never

From: March, Tim []
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Robert N. Hara; Greg Stoney
Subject: FW: Birthday Bassin'

May 15, 2010 02:05:12 PM, wrote:

Today was our baby's birthday, Carissa turned 21. We went to Castaic lagoon, everyone caught bass today! Carissa got her B-day bass, a nice 3 # bass on a trout pole with 2# fishing line.
Totally impressive 5 minute fight -light drag! I caught a big momma near a sunken 55 gallon barrel. The big girl weighed - 7.2 pounds. Great birthday bassin’at the lake.


Happy Belated Birthday Tim

Lake Tahoe Fish Report!

From: Gerald Scholl
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:19 PM
To: Aaron Sedway; Barry Mindelson; Bob Hara; Bob Porter; Bogii; Brian Kiyohara; Brian Lull; Bruce Sikora; Chad Forester; Chris Kiyohara; Clayton Schartz; Craig McCloskey; Darin Houx; Dean Yoshizumi; Don Bell; Greg Stoney; Harlan; Joe Testa; Justin Diaz; Justin Greenberg; Kenneth Yokoe; Kevin Nonoguchi; Kim Tiger Gephart; Lothar Schweigert; Matt Harbour; Matt Romaine; Michael Harm; Ned Hales; Ray Becker; Philip Catalano; Rob Anderson; Rusty Griner; sandro dipinto; Sol Gordon; Stan Horowitz; Teddy Jelalian; Todd Farenholtz; Tony Gieda; Viola Kiyohara; Karl Kristkeitz
Subject: Lake Tahoe Fish Report!

Fishing Friends,

I hope you all doing well! Fishing up here on Lake Tahoe is picking up and I wanted to share a post that I did recently on the Fish Sniffer forums. Just copy and paste ithe link below into your browser, and please share with your fishing friends!


Gerald Scholl
Sierra Fin Addicts Guide Service
Sierra Wave Addicts
P.O. Box 4267, Incline Village, NV 89450
775.225.0979 - C

Beautiful Gerald. Living the Life

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shop Trip on the American Angler

Good Afternoon All

We just returned from a fun 1.5 day trip down the beach and out to the Coronados for a day of fun Yellowtail fishing. The weather was good for us where we had a small window to fish. Bait Fish and on the Surface Iron, we had nice fishing on the 15 - 20 lb Grade Stuff. Sam and the Crew did a great job getting us on the fish, and Lori was the perfect host gabbing it up with the passengers and hooking a few throughout the day. Check out the great images. Thank you Lori for the pictures
We ran into our Bud Matt Salas who was leaving on a 5 day on the Vag.

Scott and Brian


Brian and Todd



The was a nice Jag of fish in the area feeding on meatballs of small sized bait. When the weather starts to cooperate, the fishing should get really good.

Back to the Barn

Thanks again to Mike for setting up the trip, and the outstanding services from the American Angler. I met some new folks on board and hope to fish with them in the near future.

Be de Be de Be de....That's All Folks!!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hôtel SAINT MARTIN'S LANE by Philippe Starck - Londres - ROYAUME-UNI

Idéalement situé au coeur de Covent Garden et des théâtres du West End, le Saint Martin's Lane est un savant mélange d'influences moderne et baroque orchestré de main de maître par Philippe Starck. Mise en scène théâtrale, audacieuse, un brin magique, Starck joue avec les couleurs, les dimensions et proportions. Un lieu incontournable à Londres pour ses soirées hautes en couleurs.

Façade en verre dépoli, jeux de lumières et de couleurs à profusion, St Martin's Lane est un triomphe de la couleur et de la lumière à la tombée de la nuit.

Un lobby chic et design, habillé d'or dans un écrin banc cassé et baigné dans une lumière jaune et verte.

Des chambres, suites, appartements lumineux avec des vues panoramiques sur Londres, et le petit plus, une installation lumineuse unique interactive qui vous permet de personnaliser votre espace d'une seule touche, modifiant l'éclairage ambiant, en choisissant parmi une gamme complète de couleurs vives, pour exprimer votre humeur du moment. Un design sophistiqué, mélange de culture et de texture, Starck utilise des matériaux différents comme de l'onyx, lucite (ou plexiglas), de la porcelaine moulée, du calcaire portugais, de la terre cuite, du bois africain, pour créer des espaces simples et purs.

Light Bar:

Les murs du Light Bar sont ornés de gros plans de photos de personnes aux expressions "drôles", prises par le photographe Jean-Baptiste Mondino, qui apporte sa touche audacieuse au bar.

Restaurant Asia de Cuba:

Un mélange de cuisine asiatique et cubaine servi dans un environnement artistique, avec des colonnes remplies de livres et de cadres photos.

par Philippe Starck, designer français.

Date d'ouverture: 1999

45 St. Martin's Lane

Tel: +44(0) 20 7300 5500
Fax: +44(0) 20 7300 5501

US Reservations: 800 697 1791
INTERNATIONAL Reservations: 00800 4969 1770

Prix: de nombreuses offres et packages à consulter sur leur site internet.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Check us out on FaceBook

Hey Gang

Well, we finally stepped into the Social Networking World and set up a FaceBook Page for Bob's Sporting Goods. Come join our family on the World Wide Web