Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rancho Las Cruces BCS - 8 in 3 Days

The Haras - Wahoooooooooo

Hola Amigos

I wanted to share some images from my recent trip down to Rancho Las Cruces Baja Ca Sur. A really cool spot to fish the exotics and an awesome spot to get away from the Rat Race of our Day to Day. This place is full speed 100% Deluxe when it comes to Location, Amenities, and First Class Service.

I was pretty fired up to fish days before the trip with Visions of Wahoo on the Brain 24/7. This was the first time I had gone to Las Cruces in October and was curious to see if we could hook a Wahoo or two. Jessica and I rolled down to Las Cruces with my long time fishing bud Greg Stoney and his wife Christy We were greeted to the Ranch with a squall of rain from a passing hurricane. The rain passed and we off to the races trolling our usual spots.


Grey Light to the Island

Jessica Hara and Greg Stoney - Dorado

Now wer talkin................


Island View

Jessica's New "Atomic Dog" Friend

Sun Downer on the Embarcadero

Las Cruces

Day 2 Wahoo

Lookie Here.........

Afternoon Trolling Scenes

The Dorado were thick on the high spots making it tough to target Mr. Wahoo. The line would start to rip off the troller, then it would start to bounce and we would turn our heads to see the flat bouncing in the air like a rag doll . D'oh Nothing wrong with Dodos...We were just after the Hoos....Time of Day

Funny how I would always "hear things" on the long trolls like a screaming clicker or a ZIP Blast of line off the spool of the reel. The vibrating Coke can rolling around the deck of the panga was always good to make you turn and look at the trolling gimmicks.....



Boom Boom POW

Tools of the Trade

Las Cruces Beach Scene - Ocean Front Walk

Chillin in the Afternoon

Happy Hour on the Patio

The recent rains made the landscape nice and green

Day 3 - Quality

The day started out slow, but we kept at it and we found the ones that wanted to bite. Time of Day is what we learned. Keep pounding the high spots and one of them is bound to make a mistake.


Double Up - Boom Boom POW

We had a nice double late in the day. It went pretty smooth with four trollers out and two hanging, but we were talking about How Wrong it could have went.......

Wahoo Abuse
ABUNAI! (Dangerous)

We ended up with over 20 Dorado, 1 Yellow Fin Tuna, and 8 Nice Wahoo for 3 days on the Troll. Stoney has the wahoo fishing gig pretty wired. 35 Years of Experience fishing the Island really shows. Stoney stayed a few extra days so stayed tuned for another report. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.........

Thanks again G for a Great Trip - - Boom Boom Pow!

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