Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fish Report

Bob Hoose - Stoked

Another Yellowtail Fish Catching Report Courtesy of Todd Garrett

The Yellows Are on the Chew....

From: Hoose, Bob
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 4:37 PM
To: Todd Garrett
Subject: Fish Report

Did our annual New Years Day offshore scouting trip on PROSPECTOR. We ran for Pyramid and spent the afternoon catching cod on Desperation Reef. At about 4pm, I metered a school of yellows under the boat- dropped a dorado colored Salas 6x jr on #30 Big Game and a Penn Torque 200 and immediately hooked one – ended up weighing 24.9 lbs. As it was getting dark, we anchored up in the cove and cooked up some steaks and rum drinks. Woke up at 4am and were completely fogged in- thick, could barely see the bow of the boat. While waiting out the fog, we hooked three soupin sharks of about 30-40 lbs They fight like sea bass, had our hopes up for some ‘biscuits’. At 9am, we could see enough to run, so we worked the yellowtail spot for an hour- no sign of yellow. At 10am- made a run to the west Butterfly. Found an edge of 59.5 to 60.1 degrees with birds and bait- but the water was slightly off-colored and only saw one ‘tuna like’ jumper on the break. We did have a bite on the Green Machine bird rig- which turned out to be a 9lb bonita. Worked to the west, to the 167 spot, and turned it home at 5pm. Made it to Catalina and the bait grounds & Vees at 8:30pm, and set up on a small spot of squid in 12 fathoms. It was running around our underwater lights, but we weren’t set up with crowder and could not get them to bite the squid jigs. Fished the grey light until 9am and ran home. Fun holiday, wish we would have had more time looking on the outside. COLD! BH

Bob Hoose

Nicely Done Bob
Good luck with the Search for Albert

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