Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Royal Star Report

Mike Sakasagawa - 221#

From: Mike Sakasagawa
Date: Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Web Album - 2009 Royal Star 16 Day to Mag Bay
To:'s are the pics of my recent 16 day aboard the Royal Star I promised. I included several pics of the dishes the cooks drummed up for us, because this was a part of the trip that could not be overly praised. I think the pics of the beautifully crafted dishes will speak for themselves. Truly a once in a lifetime trip both from a fishing and experience perspective!
Check out some of the pictures from Mike's OnLine Photo Album
2009 Royal Star 16 Day to Mag Bay

My First 200 of the Trip (215lb)

My Beautiful Mike Naoe Crafted 6465XXH with Accurate 50 - 200lb JB Spectra & 150 Blackwater Fluoro Ballooning a Pinned Sardine

The Most Common "Cow" Terminal Set Up Recommended by the Royal Star Crew (Crimped Eagle Claw 2004 9/0 on 130# Blackwater Fluoro with Teflon Chafing Tube)

Todd Phillip's 247

Hooking Up with the American Angler

Stas Vellonakis's Massive 309

My 221 on a Nose Hooked Mackie on the Slide

Mike on the Rail

From Left Back- (Rob McAdam, Steve Kimbrough, Kevin Leong, Don Lucius, Bob Pound, Bart Ryder, Stas Vellonakis) From Front Left (Todd Phillips, Mike Neal)

Check out the full story on their website
Royal Star Current Conditions.

Way to go Mike - BINGO

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

182# YFT Caught on a Blue/White 6X

Dr. Corey Burak on the American Angler

Hey Gang

I got this email from Matt on an outstanding catch on a recent trip on the American Angler. Check it out


Subject: Fwd: Photos of the 182# YFT Caught on a Blue/White 6X (from Gary Teraoka)

Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 4:28 PM

Hi Matt,

Thank you again for supporting my Jan 2009 Accurate sponsored American Angler trip. The passengers really enjoyed your jigs. There was even some bartering for the Pink 6X Jr. One was also used to catch one of the two Wahoo.

Dr. Corey Burak (orthopedic surgeon) got a 182# YFT with his own Blue/White 6X. Enclosed are a couple of photos that I took. I thought that you might consider using one of them for next years 2010 Bill Roecker calendar photo. I will copy Dr. Corey Burak on this e-mail, if you want to get in touch with him. Corey did tell me that he had no objections if you wanted to use my photo of him and his YFT. The third photo (#5612) includes deckhand Bobby (aka Bubbles) who gave Corey a little assistance in landing this big jig fish on a undersized outfit. Also the treble hook broke (during extraction by the crew), so I have the actual 6X jig that Corey used, and he would like to get a new hook installed. Preferably a single hook.

Thanks again, Gary Teraoka

Whoa!!!! What a biggie on the Iron. Thanks for the story Matt and Gary

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Janet and Yosh's Tagged Oregon Steelhead

Janet and Yosh (and Homer the Steelhead)

Date: Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:39 PM
Subject: Janet and Yosh's Tagged Oregon Steelhead
To: bob hara

Bob –

The photo shows us on the Coquille River with "our" wild steelhead that we helped tag near the town of Coquille a couple of days before Christmas.

Janet signed us up for a wild steelhead telemetry tagging project conducted by Oregon Fish & Wildlife. We asked if we could watch the tagging operation and they said we could and even help if we wanted. So, we jumped right in and helped tag three steelhead on the day we were with them.

If people donate the cost of a radio tag they can name the steelhead that gets it. Ours is named "Homer" as in Simpson. You have to figure that it was a real "Doh!" moment when he ran into a net that led to aliens from above grabbing and measuring him, sticking two red plastic needle tags in his back, shoving a radio tag down his throat and taking a photo before he was returned to his world. Homer has recently been tracked heading up the middle fork of the Coquille.

Yosh Ashikaga

Homer - I love it

Thanks for the Story Yosh -D'Oh!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fish Report

Bob Hoose - Stoked

Another Yellowtail Fish Catching Report Courtesy of Todd Garrett

The Yellows Are on the Chew....

From: Hoose, Bob
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 4:37 PM
To: Todd Garrett
Subject: Fish Report

Did our annual New Years Day offshore scouting trip on PROSPECTOR. We ran for Pyramid and spent the afternoon catching cod on Desperation Reef. At about 4pm, I metered a school of yellows under the boat- dropped a dorado colored Salas 6x jr on #30 Big Game and a Penn Torque 200 and immediately hooked one – ended up weighing 24.9 lbs. As it was getting dark, we anchored up in the cove and cooked up some steaks and rum drinks. Woke up at 4am and were completely fogged in- thick, could barely see the bow of the boat. While waiting out the fog, we hooked three soupin sharks of about 30-40 lbs They fight like sea bass, had our hopes up for some ‘biscuits’. At 9am, we could see enough to run, so we worked the yellowtail spot for an hour- no sign of yellow. At 10am- made a run to the west Butterfly. Found an edge of 59.5 to 60.1 degrees with birds and bait- but the water was slightly off-colored and only saw one ‘tuna like’ jumper on the break. We did have a bite on the Green Machine bird rig- which turned out to be a 9lb bonita. Worked to the west, to the 167 spot, and turned it home at 5pm. Made it to Catalina and the bait grounds & Vees at 8:30pm, and set up on a small spot of squid in 12 fathoms. It was running around our underwater lights, but we weren’t set up with crowder and could not get them to bite the squid jigs. Fished the grey light until 9am and ran home. Fun holiday, wish we would have had more time looking on the outside. COLD! BH

Bob Hoose

Nicely Done Bob
Good luck with the Search for Albert

Friday, January 2, 2009


From: Pat Holmes

Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 9:55 AM

To: Todd Garrett

Subject: Yellowtail


Happy New Year. Got lucky this AM on first cast. Ate the iron 3 cranks off the bottom. A hog at 35.8 lbs. Off to Aruba for honeymoon w/ Sara. Hope to get a Sail and Wahoo.


Thanks for the report Todd

Congrats Pat - Gettin' Jiggy