Friday, December 19, 2008

Brace Of Supercows

Hey Gang

I was surfing the web tonight and came across this great report courtesy of Bill Roecker of Fishing Videos.Com. Kevin Osborne docked Intrepid at Pt. Loma Sportfishing December 18 following a 10-day trip with 24 anglers.

We got the big fish from a school that was hit by at least one other boat that hooked and lost one,” remarked Osborne. He was referring to the pair of tuna his anglers caught that went over 300 pounds. The big one came in at 341.6 pounds, caught by Bill Dunn of Malibu, whose best previous tuna went about 120 pounds.

“He hit after a long soak,” said Bill, “about 3:30 p.m. He seemed slow to move off, like a dorado, until the line came tight. It was just a battle. He stayed close, and at the end, after an hour and a half, he came up in the port stern, after he took me around the boat four times. This was my first opportunity on a big fish.”

Dunn said he baited a sardine on a 6/0 ringed Super Mutu hook on 130-pound Momoi leader and 130-pound Momoi Spectra. He fished with an Avet 50 N reel and a Calstar 6465 XH rod built by Bob’s Sporting Goods in West LA.


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