Tuesday, August 26, 2008

American Tuna on the Pegasus

Dave Saraye and C0-CharterMaster Stewart Suenaga

Hola Amigos

No Permits were required for our Morimoto/Suenaga 1.5 day trip on the Pegasus this past weekend. Captain Jason Rombotis rolled the dice and it paid off for a good day of fishing in US Waters.

I am not sure if it is just me, but it seems like the offshore fishing this year has been a bit KA KA Koo Koo. Albacore are still around in the warm water, with Yellowfin, Bluefin, Dodos, Yellowtail, some Skippies, and a Wahoo reported in the counts for the overnight fleet. It has been pretty unpredictable this year and we were all wondering what to expect for our trip.

The group was a little concerned at the dock when we rolled up to a cart that was filled with Mini Dorados, Micro Albacore, Puny Tuna, Some Reds, a Salmon Grouper, a couple of Calicos, and a Barracuda. It must have been a trip down the beach, so that option is OUT. Maybe West to the banks south of San Clemente Island? There was some reports of 30 lb Yellowfin under the porpoise within 12 miles of Pt Loma earlier in the week. Captain Jason was not too stoked to hit those fish given the weekend traffic of sportboats and yachts pouncing on the schools. Saturday Traffic!!! With our 1.5 day schedule, it was a possibility for us to come back in the afternoon when the boats left the grounds. We opted for Door #2 fishing the butterfly south of Clemente.

Dave Saraye - Bluefin

We trolled around the banks all morning for a blind jigstrike on a nice Mahi. It was about noon when Mark spotted a nice kelp from the Crows Nets. The kelp started out with mini dorado, then the water turned brown with streaks of Yellowfin circling under the boat. We had a nice hour stop on the kelp producing over 40 of the nice grade Ahi. American Tuna!!! USA Baby.

Nobody can say it better than the Joe Chait, owner of the Pegasus.....

"8/25 Well here we go again, looks like the longfins have given the fleet the slip again. Jason found what he called the lucky kelp today and I am pleased to say that it produced well for the guys, 51 Yellowfin, 12 bluefin, 19 dorado 2 albacore 2 yellowtail.
Nice day at the office."

Co-CharterMaster Allen Morimoto - STOKED

Many Thanks to Captain Jason and the Crew of the Pegasus. The guys worked their asses off all day for the group. No matter how tough it was during the day, the crew kept upbeat keeping their fingers and toes crossed for the lucky magical kelp. It makes all the difference in the the world for a fishing trip when you are on a boat with a great captain and crew members.

And huge props to our CharterMasters Allen Morimoto and Stewart Suenaga for putting the trip together. I have known both of these guys since I was a kid growing up in WLA. Man, I used to park my Schwinn 10 Speed in Al's parents garage when I rode my bike to Webster Jr High. Stewart and I go way back to the days when the YMCA on Sawtelle was born back in the 70's Those were the days of Ketchie's Tacos, Yamaguchi's down the street, and back up to Bob's Sporting Goods to talk to Dickie in the back of the store through the rectangular window.

Looking forward to the American Angler 5 Day coming up in September - -

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