Friday, July 25, 2008

Myles Kenny Birthday #7 on the Fortuna

Bob, Bryan Kenny, and Birthday Star Myles Kenny

From: Bryan A. Kenny
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:29 PM
To: 'Robert N. Hara'; 'Rodriguez, Jeff'
Cc: 'Bass, Lisa'; 'Monica D. Sarang'; 'Joel Bass'
Subject: Fishing THANKS!!!

Hi Jeff and Bob,

Well without overstating the obvious that was one heck of a fishing trip on Sunday!!! Boys had an absolute blast and there is no doubt you’ve fueled the fishing fire in all of their little bellies.

The Kenny Family waiting on Bob to get ready (that is another story we can skip for now)

First Drop of the Day and First Fish on the Birthday Rod

Myles turned 7 on that day, and I can tell you he’s completely hooked (pun intended) on this whole fishing gig. Myles asked me today on the way to camp, “When I start working, how often can I fish?” Great question, Myles, great question. I’ve attached a few (okay, more than a few) pics of the big day.

Brother Luke

East Coast Calico Bass Style Fishing

Max Fishing West Coast Style

Captain Jeff and NY Max

Cousin Theo

Again, you guys are ROCKSTARS for taking the time and interest to help teach the next generation of fishermen. Looking forward to more outings with you guys for many seasons to come.

All the best,


It was a pleasure having the Kenny Klan on board the Fortuna. It was an awesome day on the water and a great way to celebrate the birthday. Looking forward to doing it again.

Happy Birthday Myles

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