Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yellows and Alberts

5th Annual Bob's Sporting Goods
5 Days American Angler Style

Uncle Larry Cedros Yellow

Hello SportsFans.......

We had another successful trip on the American Angler with Brian Kiyohara and his top notch crew. It was our annual September 5 day and everyone was stoked for the trip.

Offshore for Albacore? Straight to Lupie for a shot of Ahi? Cedros for some Yellowtail?

The weather was a question with crappy conditions on the Abner grounds. It sounded like the Cortez Bank had some wind on it and the alberts were not really on the bite. There was also some Hurricane activity down south with several tropical storms and a Chubby off Cabo.

Man was it freaking hot that morning at the landing. It was tough enough getting up at O Dark 30 that morning and driving down from Santa Monica. I thought we were already in Baja that morning in Pt Loma. But who cared. We were going Fishing.

Dock Talk

Everyone was all geeked up to go pull on some fish. The chatter within the group said it all. Some of the "usual suspects" talked about past trips, while the newbies were stoked to try out a new fishing experience on a 5 day.

"Man, I hope those yellows are biting the Plug."
"How many sticks did you bring?......11??????"

It is was a pleasant surprise to see Bobby and Susie Tanji on board, and really cool to see Phil making the long haul from Bishop. Todd Phillips and his Pedro Crew (Buzzy and Craig), and the the shop regulars were also on the trip. It was a great group of people looking forward to some fun down south.

Ok - FirstContest....First One who can land a Yellowtail at the Island ...
No yoyo iron, no bait, and no gaff marks, so it is pretty much on the surface plug. Bounce em if you caught em. $10 bones to get some action. Who wants Action????
OnBoard Raffle Time.....
Who is number 17?

Mucho Big Thanks to the following Sponsors for the OnBoard Raffle:

Bob Hoose - Berkeley
Ron Kawaja - Pelagic
Matt Salas - Salas Lures
Don Kuroi - BlackWater
Jason Fulton - Accurate
And Last but not least - Mike Naoe from Bob's Sporting Goods

Mike collected fish tags for each angler where everyone received a gift package filled with goods from our generous sponsors. We then put all of the numbers back into the cup and raffled off the two beautiful custom wrapped fishing rods built at the shop. The boys really outdid themselves with these beauties.....

So when am I going to Win a God D@##$@#$@$#@#$#@ Fishing Rod on ones of these trips
..........Did I just say write that?

Mark and John
Custom Rod Raffle Prize Winners
When am I going to win a @#$%*#$ Rod - Sorry for my Rant Again)

Susie Tanji on the Troll

We had Awesome Weather the Entire Trip

Russ - Cedros

Bob Tanji Hooked up

Kenji Stoked

Say "Cheese" Shoji

"Slide to the Left Please"....
"Make sure you are facing the windy side of the boat"...

.... Or as some would say "Pinch it off fellas".

Mark Cedros

Come here you M#@$R F#% @&$R
(You just had to be there to understand this joke)

Roger Color

Scotty O

"Gambate Mayeda-san"

John and Jessie
You will always see a Big Smile on John's Face
(And a Classic Kack from Jessie)

Bob Cedros Calico

Shoji - Nice Yellow

Todd Phillips Long Rod

CharterMaster Mike Naoe

John Liu with Another

Jeff and Tony Stoked

Captain Brian

What up?

Ron and Jessie - Cortez Albert

Phil - Fat Albert Cortez Bank

Shoji - Abner

As Sam Would Say - "Good Times"

Jeff Soga
Jackpot BlueFinTuna Cortez Bank



JackPot LineUp
Jeff Soga, Greg Stoney, John Ichino

Hara Fish Company North

The Real HARA Sushi

I think I need to get on one of these trips

You got That Right Wally
You know when Kenny calls you in the morning he is giving you a heads up Fish is coming your way.

Check out the daily details on our trip by visiting The American Angler Website.

Big Thanks
to Brian Kiyohara and the crew aboard the American Angler. Also many thanks to our sponsors for the awesome give-a-ways. And finally, thank you Lori for all of your help. You make all of us feel like being part of the family and we thank you.

Hope to see you guys back in 08.

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