Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shimla Holiday Packages: For One & For All

From a sleepy forested region to a popular tourist destination Shimla has traveled far, but what has always remained with it is the soulful serenity and natural exuberance of snow covered peaks and lush forests.From a sleepy forested region to a popular tourist destination Shimla has traveled far, but what has always remained with it is the soulful serenity and natural exuberance of snow covered peaks and lush forests. Tourists picking Shimla holiday package for their holiday are always delighted with the very first look of this premier hill station. The lush promenades are studded with forests of pine, deodar, rhododendron and oak trees and the crisp mountain breeze takes away all the travel fatigue the moment you enter Shimla’s premises. On your Shimla Tour Packages you can explore several fascinating destinations lush with nature’s bounty and vibrant with cultural milieu.

On Shimla tour packages one can also explore charming neo-gothic architecture built during colonial era by British rulers. The salubrious climate and pristine vistas of snow-clad Himalayas are other added assets to the town. Famous sightseeing attractions in the town are:

The Mall: The Mall is the main shopping street in Shimla; it is also the most popular place amongst youngsters who can be seen occupying seats in its restaurants, clubs and bars. This shopping street also has many tourist offices and banks for convenience of travelers visiting from world over. There are several amazing eateries out of which Trishul Bakery is one famous place known for its delicious pastries. The town takes a halt at The Mall for a sip of coffee, gossip with friends, mingle with natives and to shop for the famous brands a visit to the vicinity is thus highly recommended to every tourist picking Shimla holiday package for a holiday.

Tara Devi Temple: Dedicated to Goddess Tara Devi, the goddess of stars, Tara Devi Temple is one of the most revered holy shrines in Shimla. People in the town own great faith in religion and the temple hold high significance in the lives of the people, thus while visiting one must obey general rules such as taking off shoes outside the temple etc.

Jakhoo Temple: Situated at an altitude of 8000 ft, Jakhu temple is one of the main attractions of all Shimla Tour Packages. The temple dedicated to God Hanuman is frequented by friendly and playful monkeys all the time. As per the famous legend Lord Hanumana himself took a halt to relax while on his way to bring Sanjivni Buti (A Herb). The temple is thus thronged by thousands of devotees each year.

Himachal State Museum & Library: For a more enriching experience of Shimla tour one should visit the state’s museum and library in Himachal for it provides that much needed insight into the town’s history. Explore its riches of collection of ancient coins, sculptures, photos and paintings that bring alive the age of royal rule.

Shimla holiday packages unleash a world of natural splendor and urban charms to the visitors and thus attract thousands of travelers each year. Inspiring colonial age architecture, beauteous sights and sounds and benevolent people clubbed together makes Shimla the ultimate holiday retreat for one and for all.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Agra Hotels: Pick Luxury Properties for A Rejuvenating Holiday

Spread all across different parts of the city Agra hotels welcome their guests with utmost composure and benevolence. The city of Agra initially attained attention on the world map for its impeccable architectural heritage of Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri and more while hotels in agra have further enhanced the popularity of the city by offering comfortable accommodation options to those visiting the city. A wide range of exclusive luxuries awaits the visitors in the well-furnished guestrooms of these properties. The luxury class properties are well-equipped with 24 hour room service, fine dining arrangements, manicured Spa, banquet and conferencing amenities and recreational amenities of finest categories.

The luxury class Agra hotels are highly preferred modes of accommodation in the city which embodies kingly charm and royal opulence. Amongst the best of five star properties a few are:

Radisson Hotel Agra Taj East Gate Road: The property is much more than a hotel, rather it is a destination spread across 4.5 acres of landscape. The hotel is ideally located in the heart of the business and entertainment districts in the city and the best part is that it is a small walk away from the famous World Wonder Site, the Taj Mahal. Cutting edge amenities and elegance matching the erstwhile royal age makes this fabulous hotel a pleasure trove for thousands of guests visiting each year.

Wyndham Grand: Built on 18 acres of land with giant frontage the hotel is a beautiful specimen of Mughal architecture. The property wins over hearts with its splendid design embellished with terraced lawns, fountains and antique furnishing. With a perfect Mughal theme mashed up with world class luxuries the hotel has managed to bring Mughal opulence alive again. The property flaunts several dining options which includes the Orient Café, Jharoka, Pakhtoon, Zaiqa serving delectable Mughalai, Indian and even international cuisines.

Jaypee Palace Hotel Convention Center: One of the finest amongst all Agra hotels Jaypee Palace Hotel and Convention Center is a glorious structure beautifully designed with structural blend of red sandstone and marble. The hotel is sprinkled with several waterways and further embellished with verdant walkways creating a magical ambiance reminiscent of Mughal age. The property has 341 elegantly appointed rooms on display from which guests can choose Suites or Executive Rooms as per their preference. However the highlight of the hotel remains its array of culinary choices available at its fabulous restaurants namely, The Grand Buffet, Pavilion Café, Tapas, Paatra and Tea Lounge.

Picking an elegant Agra hotels is no brainstorming process for one can have several good choices. Each of the luxury properties offer a perfect royal treatment reminding guests of the grandeur and grace that existed in the age of royalty. Highly inspired by Mughal architecture, elegance and grandeur these hotels in Agra have beautifully imbibed all these qualities thereby packaging a perfect royal experience for their guests which is a must experience for all those visiting this city of Taj.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Delhi Hotels: Grand & Opulent Luxury Properties

Renowned throughout the world for their flamboyance and flawless standards of hospitality, New Delhi hotels are incredible options for accommodation. These properties are sprouted all over the city and can be found in abundance across the economical, entertainment and commercial centers of the city. Tourists can choose hotel in New Delhi at their preferred location as per their interest and enjoy a comfortable stay. Locations ideal for business class travelers are nearby airport or in the industrial districts while leisure travelers can spot fine hotels close to entertainment avenues or sightseeing attractions in the city.

Luxury class New Delhi hotels are fabulous with a gamut of recreation, business and wellness amenities. These properties are designed to perfection and they serve the guests with genial hospitality. Amongst the list of finest luxury class properties the hotels which have gained maximum attention are:

Leela Palace: With 260 plush rooms in the diplomatic enclave of Delhi, hotel Leela Palace is indeed one of the finest hotels in the country. The hotel has the largest rooms in the capital with the Presidential Suite spread across 4425 sq. ft. Each of these rooms is further embellished with state-of-the-art amenities where one can relax and rejuvenate under the care of an attentive staff and various luxuries.

The Oberoi: The name Oberoi Group itself is enough for one to understand the level of hospitality one is treated with. The group is one of the finest hotel chains in the country and its property in national capital epitomizes world-class hospitality. The hotel was the first to feature 24 hour personal Butler service and its impeccable service, fine cuisine and elegant interiors create a truly delightful ambiance for one’s stay. The hotel is also every gourmet’s fantasy land with a range of dining options which includes rooftop Oriental restaurant which serves world cuisine and Italian preparations. 24 hour access to Business Center facilitates the corporate travelers way a lot for they are availed uninterrupted access to their work at well-designed conference and banquet venues.

Taj Palace Hotel: A fabulous embodiment of world-class service and impeccable hospitality, Taj Palace Hotel is this flamboyant property with well-appointed rooms and modern comforts. Highlight of this property which makes it stand out from the rest of the hotels in New Delhi is its fabulous Spa. Blending contemporary therapies and Indian Ayurveda measures together the spa offers holistic methods of rejuvenation. Trained experts bring exclusive massages and therapies with natural products for a signature experience.

The city itself is famous for its delicious cuisine and these New Delhi hotels are also well- following in the footsteps of the city’s trends. Each of the hotels own beautifully decked eateries where guests are served freshly prepared cuisines from a world menu. Other than the restaurants it is also the immaculate settings, efficient services and abundance of amenities that makes these hotels in New Delhi extremely comfortable and luxurious.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hôtel LA MAISON CHAMPS-ELYSEES by Danièle Damon, Maison Martin Margiela - Paris - FRANCE

Après avoir redécoré la suite "l'île aux Oiseaux" des Sources de Caudalie ici, Maison Martin Margiela signe-là sa 2ème création d'hôtel design, La Maison Champs-Elysées, qui a réouvert ses portes au printemps dernier. Entre classicisme et avant-garde, tradition et provocation, la scénographie minimaliste et un brin surréaliste est surprenante, à l'image de l'univers du créateur belge, à découvrir ou à redécouvrir, rien que pour le plaisir des yeux...!

Derrière la façade hausmannienne de l'ancien hôtel particulier de la duchesse d'Essling construit en 1866, La Maison Champs-Elysées, anciennement Maison des Centraliens, se dresse discrètement, en toute élégance dans le Triangle d'Or Parisien.

Le lobby:

Une entrée majestueuse avec ce superbe escalier d'honneur orné de son aigle du Premier Empire, des miroirs qui encadrent la réception et qui agrandissent le lobby et laissent refléter les différents espaces qui desservent les lieux, avec un pavage "à la Française", en pierre blanche de Mareuil et cabochons d'angle en marbre noir... dispersés sur les carreaux (clin d'oeil humoristique). Un souffle de fraîcheur règne ici...
Le renouveau de l'hôtel s'est effectué dans le respect du patrimoine et de l'architecture de l'hôtel particulier.

Couloir argent:

Tout l'univers de Martin Margiela s'exprime ici, que ce soit dans le lobby, les salons, le restaurant ou les suites. Trois mots sont les fils conducteurs du projet: Ironie, Illusion et Respect.
Ironie, au sens propre du mot, jeu volontaire entre ce qui est dit et ce qui est signifié, entre la lettre et l'esprit, entre l'apparence et la réalité.
Illusion, afin de créer un univers théâtral où règne la magie d'un spectacle dont nous sommes les acteurs...
Respect des exigences de confort et de sécurité, mais aussi du lieu, le parti pris a été de mettre en valeurs les caractéristiques historiques de l'hôtel en en les théâtralisant.

"L'identité de Maison Martin Margiela s'exprime en parallèle, et dans le même lieu, à travers ses collections de mode et ses réalisations d'architecture d'intérieur. Dans ses locaux parisiens et comme dans ses boutiques dans le monde entier, on retrouve les housses de cotons blancs, les trompe-l'oeil, le détournement des objets et des matières, le mélange des styles et des époques, le jeu avec les langages esthétiques et l'humour qui en est la composante permanente. De la mode à l'architecture d'intérieur, en passant par les objets, les valeurs esthétiques sont les mêmes: le non-fini et le sens du détail, le surréalisme et la culture populaire, le sur-dimensionné et la projection en deux dimensions, le détournement des matières."
Maison Martin Margiela

Les Salons de réception:

Les 10 salons de réunions se prêtent à de multiples usages: séminaires, congrès, lancements presse, fêtes de fin d'années, dîners de gala, mariage...etc. Ils peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 250 personnes.

Le Salon Blanc:

Il est ouvert à tous ceux qui veulent passer un moment agréable autour d'un café ou d'un verre de jus frais, en se laissant tenter par le chariot de pâtisseries, tout en feuilletant les quotidiens du jour.
Remarques: les rampes d'éclairage n'éclairent plus que la trace des cadres, peinte sur le mur neuf et le traditionnel tapis persan est en fait un motif tissé dans la moquette, jeu perpétuel avec les marques du temps dans un cadre neuf.

Le Salon Doré:

Le Fumoir Noir:

Symétrique au Salon Blanc, le bar à cigares est tout en bois brûlé verni agrémenté de confortables fauteuils en cuir noir. Un cadre intime, façon club anglais, où whisky, cognacs et alcools sont à votre disposition.

Le restaurant et bar, La Table du Huit:

Au rez-de-chaussée, le restaurant occupe tout l'espace et ouvre sur la terrasse et le jardin. La grande verrière qui a été construite le baigne de lumière et de calme. Son sol et ses murs en béton banché et ciré contrastent avec le mobilier, tables nappées et bergères houssées, qui, par un effet d'illusion théâtrale semblent en lévitation, à quelques centimètres au-dessus du sol, alors qu'ils sont bien stables et confortables.
Le chef Benoit Hilaire a conçu une carte qui donne une interprétation personnelle des classiques de la cuisine française, tout en satisfaisant les attentes d'une clientèle internationale.


Une oasis de fraîcheur en été, un havre de verdure en hiver... Du buis, de la fougère arborescente, palmier et un olivier vieux de plus de 50 ans créent un camaïeu de verts, à la fois dense et graphique. Quand viennent les beaux jours, rhododendrons, rosiers, jasmin, hortensias ou azalées mêlent leurs couleurs et senteurs au rythme de la saison.

Quarante chambres dont les 17 chambres et suites Couture, au décor raffiné, décalé, poétique et audacieux, ont été confiées aux designers de la Maison Martin Margiela. Une belle superficie de 24 m2 à 57 m2 pour  vivre une expérience inoubliable.
Ici, on privilégie un confort luxueux et généreux à un luxe clinquant: les peignoirs sont coupés dans un tissu éponge de grande qualité, la literie est en lin des Vosges, les matelas recouverts de sur-matelas en duvet d'oie, comme les couettes. Petit plus: minibar, wifi et films à la demande, vous sont offerts gracieusement. Le téléviseur mural de 37 ou 40 pouces est connecté à un Mac Mini, très pratique.

Junior Suite Couture:

Suite Salon Doré:

Les trompe-l'oeil qui reproduisent les moulures des salons Empire sur les paliers qui y conduisent, les effets de lumière qui donnent l'illusion qu'une porte fermée est ouverte et laisse filtrer le soleil, contribuent à créer un décor magique et théâtral.

Les toilettes de la suite...

Suite Cabinet de Curiosités:

Suite Houssée de Blanc:

Suites Moulures Interrompues:

Crédits photos: Martin Houghton et Sophie Barrau-Fischer.

par Danièle Damon, architecte française et  Maison Martin Margiela, créateur belge.

Date d'ouverture: avril 2011

8, rue Jean Goujon
75008 Paris

Tel: (+33) 1 40 74 64 65
Fax: (+33) 1  40 74 79 66

Prix: offres à consulter sur leur site internet.