Saturday, May 30, 2009


From: Greg Stoney
Sent: Wednesday, May 2009 9:32 AM
To: Robert N. Hara
Cc: Tim March
Subject: butts

Here are a some pics, the bsb ones kind of suck, they weren't very cooperative and I didn't want to mess with them too much.

The big one is the one that didn't fit into the frame.
Get revenge on those seabass for me Tim!

Well Done Stoney

The Social Gathering of the Year on the AA

Captain Ray Lopez and Jessica Hara - Two Banger on the Reds

The Social Gathering Of The Year

Bob Hara who works for Curtis-Rosenthal,Inc. has been planning this trip all year. He has put together a great blend of Friends on this trip and as it just so happens, some of them are business associates. Right from the get go it seems like the social event of the year and it lasted throughout the whole trip. There was constant conversation and laughter to be found at all times during the day. We spent the morning fishing reds and lings and were not disappointed as they cooperated well. We then went offshore and tasted the local offshore scene. We found a kelp and caught 29 yellows as action was fast and furious. Jessica Hara shows off a nice double on reds she caught with a shrimp fly and a Salas 7x heavy.

Bob Hoose and Jessica

Welcome to the Angler - Do the Ohgechans want to hear about our Safety Systems?

Door Prize Winners -
Bill (Custom Rod by Bob's Sporting Goods WLA)
Steve Mores (Free Ride for 2010 Curtis Rosenthal Trip)


New Step Stools for the Staterooms



Good Times down below Colonet

The honorable John Liu with the Jackpot CowCod - It was quite large

Peter and Cerina


We Capped off the trip with a couple of offshore kelps to the west for some Yellowtail action.

Next Years Must Do,

The Guys

Many Thanks to the American Angler for a great time fishing with a great group of folks. Special Thanks to Bob Hoose from Berkeley for his donation of the Berkeley Gear, Matt Salas for the grip load of Lures, Mike Naoe from Bob's Sporting Goods for the Custom Rod, and we can't forget the Big Boss Lori Patella for the gift certificate for the Curtis Rosenthal 2010 trip I will be talking to Lori about setting up a June or July trip for next year. Well Done!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hôtel EVERLAND by Sabina Lang et Daniel Baumann - Paris - FRANCE

Après sa tournée à Neuchâtel et Leipzig, EVERLAND, hôtel design éphémère "capsule" s'installe à Paris, sur le toit du Palais de Tokyo jusqu'au 30 avril 2009. Dépêchez-vous, il y en aura pas pour tout le monde, réservation possible que d'une seule nuit car "chaque instant doit être rare et inoubliable".

Maquette et construction de la capsule "chambre-hôtel", construite à l'occasion de l'exposition nationale Suisse en 2002 par les artistes Sabina Lang et Daniel Baumann.

Une situation exceptionnelle en plein coeur de Paris 16ème, sur le toit du Palais de Tokyo !

Une occasion unique de vivre dans une oeuvre d'art, une "capsule" toute vêtue de bleu et de vert, ambiance années 70 revisité luxe. Une chambre aux dimensions généreuses, une mise en scène des moindres détails, avec un tourne-disque et une collection de vinyles de choix, un minibar garni et gratuit et cerise sur le gâteau, le petit-déjeuner servi dans la chambre le matin... face à un superbe panorama sur Paris et la Tour Eiffel. La salle de bain, aux formes arrondies et toute en mosaïque bleue, rappelle un esprit piscine.
Un beau programme malheureusement éphémère...

par Sabina LANG et Daniel BAUMANN, artistes suisses.

13, avenue du Président Wilson
75116 Paris

Particularité: 1 seule chambre disponible, réservation que d'une seule nuit.

Prix: de 333 euros à 444 euros, jusqu'au 30 avril 2009, profitez-en !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Captain Mike Arujo - Gettin Bizzzzzzzzy

Captain Mike - Crappie

Hey Gang

Check out the great images from Captain Mike Arujo. Salt Water, Fresh Water, and even hunting...Mike does it all. Born and Raised in Santa Monica, Mike is a great guy to talk to about what is going on at the lakes and offshore.


Rainbow Trout - Fin and Feather
Monster Trout - Fin and Feather

Gettin Bizzzzzzzzzzy - Thanks for the Money Shots Captain.